Thursday 30 August 2012

JUNE 25th my secret ....


That's right.... for years and years I have not worn open toed shoes.

I am embarrassed for my self. I do not think so much that I care of what other people think.

I use to tell people randomly because I did not want them to find out any other way. But that was when I was younger and couldn't care any less. As for the common question... 

" What are you going to do this summer"
 I reply..oh nothing,.... but in the back of my head. I AM DOING A COSMETIC TOE SURGERY. LETS TELL THE WHOLE WORLD. 

So as you can see now I have become more secretive about this whole thing. And here I am being a hypocrite telling the whole world... literally.....

I guess its different because I dont know any of you who are reading this..

Unless ofcourse some of my classmates stalk me somehow and read this... and if that's the case: so be it. I DO NOT value anybody's negative opinions or thoughts. I mean at the end of the day there's heaven and hell....God decides.


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