Thursday 30 August 2012

JULY 3rd DIET?!!?

Alright so no sweets..
no sugar
no chocolate

ate an apple today...... pretty good
paired it with some cheese!!

but anyways i am trying to do my best to research  what to eat days before surgery

It said that you should avoid whole grains, fribe, and fruits and vegetables
You should limit your diet to at least 2 dairy servings.

i also found that you have to eat
enriched grains like white bread and rice
also pasta

so like a sample of 3 meals before the surgery would be

Breakfast: bowl of cereal and orange juice
chicken noddle soup
chicken and mash potatoes with broccoli

so yeah i also read that you shouldn't have an dietary supplements but i dont know if that means that you cant have boost drinks or pedia sure

anyways that's my little blog on diets !!!!!!

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