Thursday 30 August 2012

some pictures 7 weeks after surgery

heres another video from my youtube channel

please go check it out for more



so i woke up feeling super nervous and really scared not knowing what exactly what was ahead of me

im starting not to remember exactly what i was feeling but i know for sure that i was going to the bathroom alot.. heheheh

but anyways i had packed my bag the night before; and BTW i didnt use one fourth the stuff i brought, i really over packed but anyways

got to the bus station, and before walking to the bus stop i was SO nervous. i didnt want to tell my mom because i knew that she would get nervous too but omg i was just a wreck

when we were on the subway i was starting to calm down but realized that i only had 30 min to drink as much water as i could because your not aloud to drink liquids 3 hours before surgery

i got to the hospital, i did not know where to check in
i had been there a year ago for when i saw the doctor an decided what way of surgey i was going to do

but anyways while i had gone to the bathroom, my mom had asked somebody and we had to walk quite a ways to get to the administration or sign in desk

but anyways we got there and it was super easy; just gave the paper work. got a wrist band , went up the elevators and waited in the pre-op room! 

so we had been waiting a really long time until they saw us
but we walked in and gave the papers and my health card that the lady at the administration desk had given us

but yeah then this lady called my name; gave me a gown and pants to change into and let me change

she came back and went through all the stuff that she had to
like double check if i had eaten anything in the past 12 hours
medical history
medications i take
all that sort of stuff

so then my mom came in and she talked to her about all other stuff like family history of stuff and what not but yeah!!!

then she got me on the bed and took my blood pressure,
and put some gel on my foot to hear its pulse

then she weighed me- 100 pounds! i thought i was 105 so thats good:P
or maybe the rounded down
lol but yeah!!

then i went and sat back in the waiting room

and she gave me some cream on my hands to make my hand numb and put tape over it. 

so a nurse comes and talks to me and goes through the same stuff that lady i mentioned before who got me changed into my gown

and tells me that my surgery is going to be postponed another hour, and JUST before that somebodys surgery got cancelled, so like..... i was nervous that it was going to be cancelled.

but anyhow then the doctor came and talked to me briefly  and marked my foot with a pen

and then the anesthesiologist came and also talked to me about putting me to sleep and all that
she was really nice

so then while the anesthesiologist was getting ready the nurse was just talking to me and then we walked towards the surgery room
we dropped my mom off in the waiting room, kissing her goodbye

and off i went

so i walked in and it was so cool!!.... there was 1 machine in each corner
and the bed was in the middle

 they had be take of my shoes and socks  but i only took of one sock (the one getting surgery on)

so i layed down

she took off the cream and tape

and as she was doing the other hand the anesthesiologist poked the needle in, WHICH DID HURT
but ohwell

then i dont remember much... must have been knocked out!!!

Aug 14 youtube channel

so i guess after a month and a few weeks i am finally going to update this thing that i have neglected. i actually made a youtube channel

so that pretty much sums it up but gonna be posting some more blogs about my emotions

so here we go!

July 10 update

So finally able to type
the pain is still present

surgery went well
all was successful

still awaiting for the pain to go

off the morphine

still on tylenol!

anyways full update later

July 4th Last shower and fasting!

took my last shower!!!
wont be able to take one for another good 6-8 weeks!

what a joy!!!!!!

anyways debating on whether or not i should eat something
even though i can eat until 12
not that hungry but ohwell
i think i'll be fine

gonna wait for my hair to dry then im off to bed!


aaahh im really nervous

seems like nobody really cares and thinks that this surgery is going to be a piece of cake

but im going nuts!!! relying on my family to help me.

I really hope all goes well tomorrow.

Im gonna be happy with my decision, but i am so nervouss!!!

gotta go now... cant bare to type anymore!!! or even talk about it

JULY 3rd DIET?!!?

Alright so no sweets..
no sugar
no chocolate

ate an apple today...... pretty good
paired it with some cheese!!

but anyways i am trying to do my best to research  what to eat days before surgery

It said that you should avoid whole grains, fribe, and fruits and vegetables
You should limit your diet to at least 2 dairy servings.

i also found that you have to eat
enriched grains like white bread and rice
also pasta

so like a sample of 3 meals before the surgery would be

Breakfast: bowl of cereal and orange juice
chicken noddle soup
chicken and mash potatoes with broccoli

so yeah i also read that you shouldn't have an dietary supplements but i dont know if that means that you cant have boost drinks or pedia sure

anyways that's my little blog on diets !!!!!!


3 days left
to eat healthy
to get ready

im starting to get stressed out
i really hope that everything will go well

nobody seems to really understand what im going through....
im strong enough to stand on my own
i can only make myself happy
and thats jut what i'll do

JUNE 29 - stressed

Trying to to stress out!
Im not eating healthy!
Im not exercising!!
God help me!


So I got a phone call from the pre-anesthesia clinic.
and we talked about everything from going to the hospital, to putting me to sleep, and going home.

What a call!!!
They actually were going to give me a pregnancy test, but Im on my time of the month so I dont have to !! YAY

then we talked about the possible complications, and it kind of scared me a little ... not gonna lie but I hope to God everything goes right with Dr. Wright. No really thats his last name!!!

I am going to be in there for 1-2 days. GOOD GRIEF. and the surgery its self is like 2 hours and 30 min.... DAMN. why so longggggggggggggg

so I still didnt find out how long I will have to have the cast on but the nurse said most likely 4-6 weeks. I doubt that it will be 4 weeks.

Found out the the crutches are probably gonna be $50 so thats pretty good :S i guess......

Also found out that I should take tylenol instead of advil
and that I can keep taking my Vitamin D and reactine. (for my hives)

Lastly, I'll be having a TV and theres wifi! HOW AWESOMEEEEEEE


pretty long blog post today... anyways. 


JUNE 25th surgery soon!

So just over a week till my surgery
I'm starting to get nervous and I am reading all of these different articles about before and after surgery.

I think I am going to go nuts!!!!!!

Why do I feel like I am talking to nobody right now..........................................

So yeah........ On a happy note I am really happy for my surgery.

I have been thinking of those for over a year now.


JUNE 25th my secret ....


That's right.... for years and years I have not worn open toed shoes.

I am embarrassed for my self. I do not think so much that I care of what other people think.

I use to tell people randomly because I did not want them to find out any other way. But that was when I was younger and couldn't care any less. As for the common question... 

" What are you going to do this summer"
 I reply..oh nothing,.... but in the back of my head. I AM DOING A COSMETIC TOE SURGERY. LETS TELL THE WHOLE WORLD. 

So as you can see now I have become more secretive about this whole thing. And here I am being a hypocrite telling the whole world... literally.....

I guess its different because I dont know any of you who are reading this..

Unless ofcourse some of my classmates stalk me somehow and read this... and if that's the case: so be it. I DO NOT value anybody's negative opinions or thoughts. I mean at the end of the day there's heaven and hell....God decides.


June 25th MORE about my deformity

Its a wonder how I do not really care what other people think of my special little toe.
Its an insecurity at heart and of which only I care about.

If I thought that it looked cute I would not be going under the knife.... But fortunately I am blessed to get it fixed.

What is my condition? I realize I talked about it without evening further explaining my deformity.

Well...brachymetatarsia is when your fourth toe is shorter than your fifth.
Hard to picture? Alot of my friends reactions are like that.

When I was a child, many people would want to see it. And when they did they were astonished, as if I was some sort of alien. How did they think that made me feel? Special? Dont think so.....

I hate to think what they would do if they were in my position .....

So back on track.....
brachymetatarsia may occur when you are born or it also may occur in your childhood. For me it happened throughout my childhood years. For the best reason, it just stopped growing. Thank goodness my other toes are short to begin with...

Do you want some pictures or something? or have you already researched it on google?

For now I am not going to be posting a picture of my own foot, but you can go ahead and research it.

So yeah........................................................................................

JUNE 25th My Condition

I was not born with this condition. 
I did not injury my self.
God has so called blessed me with this deformity. 
I am not so sure as to why I was given this as appose to anybody else. 
Is it a life changing, experience? Will it put life in a whole other perspective?
Do I really need to go under the knife to boost my self esteem?
uh.... YES!!!!!!!! HELLOOOOOOO
Its a fact that all my childhood memories were hiding this little toe of mine....
Its a wonder how I never knew it was a disorder. 
I use to think that I was the only one in the world with this condition. 
I never understood that it could be fixed and that people would go under such extremes be happier. 
So happiness is money then..... ?? NOOOOOOO
Well...... There's nothing more to tell you but my life changing decision to do this surgery of mine...


The starting of my journey to surgery.....
Life changing event : July Fifth

Tuesday 14 August 2012



I've been posting my things in the wrong place thats why the date is going to be the same for the next posts.